How does the process for drug addiction rehabilitation in Israel begin? It actually starts before any action is taken. The process gets underway when the addict decides that continuing to live with the addiction is unacceptable. At that point, the addict has the willingness to ask for help.
What happens next? The addict makes that first call and arranges to meet with a rehabilitation professional. At that first meeting, the addict becomes a patient who is dedicated to making whatever changes are necessary.
That’s it: recognizing the addiction is real and committing to do whatever it takes to overcome the addiction and regain control. Once those steps are taken, the staff at Phoenix Rehabilitation Center is in a position to help.
Gaining control of an addiction isn’t easy. This is true whether you’ve been living with an addiction for months or for years. Our staff at Phoenix Rehabilitation Center understands that.
This is a difficult time for you. In order to provide you with the support needed to reclaim your life, the resources at Phoenix Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Center in Israel address every aspect of your treatment and recovery. In the midst of regaining control of your life, we want your stay to be as comfortable as possible.
How do we do this? We offer fully-trained staff, the best in modern facilities, and every type of medical and psychological support that you require. Ours is an approach that encompasses treating both the mind and the body.
We understand the need to keep your treatment private. Confidentiality is a foundation of our commitment to our patients. You’ll find that our patient agreements include clauses that specifically prohibit us from providing confidential information to any party that you do not authorize. Whether your private information is shared with other medical professionals or even family members is up to you.
If you should need outside diagnostics or other forms of medical care, we have arrangements with some of the best clinics in Israel. They in turn also provide confidentiality as part of their patient support. At all times, you remain in control of your proprietary information.
Drug therapy is a common element in addiction treatment. The drug therapists at Phoenix Rehabilitation Center only use the most up to date strategies for withdrawal from alcohol or drug dependency. While making use of drug therapy to wean you off addictive substances, our staff will ensure that you have care for any associated emotional or psychological issues that appear.
The contemporary treatment approaches that we utilize are not found everywhere. That’s one of the reasons why our drug addiction counselors at Phoenix Rehabilitation Center can provide a level of support and care that you won’t find at other facilities in Israel.
What You Will Find At Our Facility
Whether you are the one who is seeking help in overcoming an alcohol or drug addiction, or looking into treatment options for a loved one, our staff at Phoenix Medical Rehabilitation Center is happy to be there for you. You don’t have to be a resident of Israel to seek help with us. Our patients come from all areas of the world.
What will you find at our drug and alcohol rehab center in Israel? Here are some basics:
* Attractive and comfortable surroundings, just like home
* Help with the physical and emotional discomfort associated with withdrawal
* A fully comprehensive approach to rehabilitation; nothing is left to chance
* Psychological therapy and treatment throughout your stay
* Your confidentiality is guarded at all times
* Efficient and cost-free patient transfers to clinics if needed
We recognize that your future is in your hands. Our goal is to help you achieve the goal of gaining control of your addiction and reclaiming your life. With our help, you can have renewed hope for putting the past where it belongs and looking forward to the future.

It’s only natural that you have questions. They likely include some or all of the following:
- What does it take to be eligible for in Israel?
- How does the Center treat different types of addictions?
- Is it difficult to come to Israel for treatment?
- How Do I go about getting to the Phoenix Rehabilitation Center?
We have answers to these and other questions. Let’s get started.
Patients do not have to be Israeli citizens in order to seek treatment. There are a few essentials that internationals need in order to come to our facility. They include:
* A commitment to changing your life.
* A valid and up to date passport.
* Airline tickets.
* Travel insurance, including health coverage designed for international travel. The right plan protects you in the event of an emergency while en route.
* Medical records that provide information about your general health
* Formal documentation of your acceptance into the Phoenix program. It’s recommended to have at least two copies, since you may have to present a copy when crossing the border into Israel.
*Personal effects that patients are allowed to bring to the facility. Contact us for a list.
Please note that:
* Russian and Ukrainian citizens do not require a visa.
* Citizens of any Newly Independent States must possess an up-to-date visa.
* Patients who require visas can seek support from the Israeli Consulate located in their countries or residence. Consulate personnel can provide guidelines for applying, including lists of any documentation needed to process the visa request.
Members of our staff will meet you at the airport. They will ensure that you arrive at the center without any delays and help with the details of checking into the facility. That includes making sure you are assigned to comfortable quarters for the duration of the stay.
During your time with use at Phoenix Rehabilitation Center, you will receive the latest in addiction treatment and care. Expect to find our facilities to be high in quality and with all of the modern amenities. Our staff includes professionals who will see to your medical, emotional, and mental health.
Confidentiality is essential to your care. Patient information is never disclosed without your express consent. The agreement that you sign includes a clause outlining the process for confidentiality and sharing data if you should need care at another facility.
Phoenix Rehabilitation Center does maintain copies of the following documents:
*Your travel plans to and from our facility
*Copies of documents related to applying for and obtaining a visa if required.
*Copies of your passport
*Copies of your official invitation to receive treatment at our facility
All these documents must be prepared and received before you travel to Israel. In the case of the official invitation, we will provide that to you within 1-3 days after receiving copies of the other documents.
Phoenix Rehabilitation Center does have provisions for emergency situations. Under certain conditions, we can supply an invitation within 24 hours, allowing the patient to make the journey to Israel immediately.
Elements of the Drug Addiction Treatment Process
Depending on the nature and severity of the addiction, the course of treatment may include all or most of the following processes:
* Withdrawal under the care of a team of physicians, including a psychologist and staff members trained specifically in matters related to substance abuse.
* Group therapy sessions conducted by counselors with experience in substance abuse cases.
* One on one therapy sessions with a psychologist or psychiatrist
* Additional support group sessions that are conducted under the care of a psychologist, psychodramatic specialist, and/or an art-therapy specialist.
* Massage therapy during withdrawal. The massage chair therapy helps with physical and emotional pain during the first stages of withdrawal by providing emotional respite as well as helping to calm the central nervous system.
* Art-therapy throughout the treatment process. This therapy is aimed at providing some form of outward expression for patients. This provides an outlet for emotions and feelings that may seem confusing for the patient. Many patients find that expressing themselves through art therapy helps them to release negative feelings and emotions.
* Psychodrama. This approach to group therapy provides a safe setting for utilizing drama in a theatrical form of expression. Improvisation is common in psychodrama and helps the patient to explore his or her inner feelings. It also serves as a means of discovering new ways to positively interact with others in a post-addiction situation.
Your treatment process is not confined to the facility. When and as appropriate, there is time for guided tours that help you to learn more about the culture and history of Israel. These outings also provide the opportunity to experience a bit of living without being controlled by your addiction. Expect to enjoy supervised tours to sites like Jerusalem, the Dead Sea, and the northern areas of the nation.
Do you have more questions about our treatments or how to arrange a stay at our facility? Contact our Phoenix team experts today. We’ll provide answers to those questions as well as help with making the necessary arrangements. With our support, you can look forward to moving past your addiction sooner than you thought possible.