Californian 12 step system and the experience of center’s experts helped a lot of people – give yourself a chance!

In the modern world, there is huge deal of different treatment centers: commercial or public corporations (State Supervisory Activities), religious, proprietary technology based centers, addiction settlements (commune type), centers using foreign methodologies, and centers applying therapeutic community methods (Californian 12 step; system).
There’s tons of scams and quacks, psychics, mentalists, traditional practitioners; alcohol and drug abuse treatment based on photo image of a patient; drug addiction treatment by a eighth-generation hereditary magician, etc.
In general they all do the same thing – they remove the physical dependency and after sometimes that provide a little rehabilitation course for an addict including the work of psychologists, psychotherapists, drug counselors. But removing the physical dependency is just a first or even a zero step for the addict’s treatment, for the basis is to remove the psychological dependency.
Drug and alcohol addiction treatment methods at our ‘Phoenix’ rehabilitation center – Steps, Californian system in Israel.
There are no pills from drug addiction. As to our opinion –is in the first place psychological, social, and emotional disorder. And yet, at some point disorders can be inhibited, and then there’s a possibility of recovering. That’s why it is vital to get psychological help and group therapy, individual sessions with psychologist, as well as group psychological and therapeutic sessions.
Drug addiction treatment can only guarantee to succeed providing professional complex approach. Three main targets are affected while using drugs: mentality, physical health, and social status of a person. Agreeably, drug addiction treatment should target to stabilize mental and physical health, and, certainly, to assist patient’s social adjustment.

Californian ‘12 step’ system
We offer a verified by years of practice and statistics of out recovered patient scheme of drug addiction treatment:
- Withdrawal state removal under the care of a physicians headed by substance abuse professional and psychiatrist.
- Therapeutic groups supervised by professional counselors for substance abuse.
- Individual sessions with the psychiatrist of the center.
- Psychological support groups supervised by a psychologist, psychodramatic specialist, and art-therapy specialist.
- Ambulatory psychological care.
- Mutual Anonymous Drug-Addicts Society Help.